How do you ensure that each unique learner remains engaged during a training session?

Fostering a supportive environment, is the most important factor. Participants entering a workshop, particularly when interacting with individuals from different departments, often feel apprehensive, especially if they are there to fulfil CPD hours or have been compelled by management. This apprehension can lead to resistance. It is essential to create a space where participants feel…

Why are some adults learners disruptive?

I have previously encountered adult learners who exhibit disruptive behaviours, often stemming from various external and internal issues. If these disruptions are not adequately addressed, they can significantly undermine the effectiveness of a workshop. To mitigate or prevent such behaviours, it is essential to identify and address their root causes during the planning and design…

What is accelerated learning and why do we use it as our methodology?

At CORE Training, we kick off each session with the aim of creating what we refer to as “Aha! moments.” The Accelerated Learning framework plays a crucial role in helping us achieve this goal. But what exactly is Accelerated Learning (AL), and how does it enhance the effectiveness of our training? The Evolution of Accelerated…